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Why TikTok is Addictive, How users get Addiction of TikTok?



What is TikTok? was a notable short-structure (15 seconds) video electronic and sharing application, with in excess of 100 million customers, up until August 2018. The application allowed customers an a lot of music and talk decisions, with which they could lip sync and make intriguing or drawing in chronicles. The application was commonly notable with some substance creators rising to the entryway of ubiquity subject to their attracting content on The customers shared chronicles through electronic media stages like Instagram, further driving the application's pervasiveness. Regardless, in August 2018, the application was taken over by a Chinese association ByteDance and its customers were moved to Tik Tok. The aggregate of the substance and records that were accessible on were thusly moved to the new Tik Tok application automatically moved to the new Tik Tok application.

How do users get Addicted to It?

Every time our brain searches for Joy. Whenever we see a video on TikTok it's just a maximum of 1 Minute which is very less than any refreshing Youtube Videos and our mind releases dopamine every time we feel good, so if you're watching TikTok videos you will feel satisfied within seconds, which means your brain will say you to repeat it(means to do that work again I want more dopamine). And as you'll repeat the process your brain will release that much dopamine. And whenever you'll not have anything to do then your brain will suggest you see the TikTok videos that may feel relaxed, and to get the habit of anything you need to do the same thing for 21 days, and then you'll be habitual of that thing. And that's all to get the Addiction to TikTok or anything even PUBG.

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